Thursday, May 21, 2020

Making Out

I only slept with them. That was my brother Darius, my other brother Darium, and my mother’s old Fuck Darwin...
Does that count I sucked every bit of baby batter from them before they made their landfill deposits!
But Ka**** we respectfully call it Making Out. Shhh don’t you dare tell my Momma and Dadda

that means FUCKING!!!
if the video does not show correctly please see my favorites on  
Now what if the two girls in this were just werking everyone... But Momma only sucked thier Cocks!

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Everything for a Reason

Funny the anomalies that show up in digital photography. Some people seeing Orbs and the like thereof.
The Eve ning sky down South 5-17-20
 A regular instant catch-all

Not only of what’s visible with the eye but picking up energy and magnetic displacements as well.  I’m not a photography expert by any means but these are just a couple of the quirks  I’m aware of, I am quite sure there are many more.   
 What about the newer "LIVE" photographs, many very quick pics almost layered to give a "live" effect, but is it possible for just a single digital photo to change in time?

I guess if a photo looks different than the first time you look at it, is it quirking, or is it skewing, or some other anomaly like the "Mandela Effect"? 

Tough telling not knowing, but something definitely has been at work on my sky pictures, because every single one of them has changed since taking them.
What would you do if a Kiss could change your life?

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Mik, Lucifer with Diamonds, & Ice

Adahma and Eve, Twin flames reuniting or re-igniting their flames and how we got here
She entered my dreams some 13+ years ago, made possible through magik and spells conjuring and invoking the soul of Adam.
This performance with myself as Adam, as well as including boyfriend much of the time became a sequence of dreams that were far more concrete, with substance, "creating a reality of epic proportions." The first couple of extacy filled dreams came with myself "me" chasing this woman around, in what would seem deserted town. Then on a hidden island with her and I in a raft. Little knowing how these incredible events would someday lend themselves to the current day. [youtube]
I could almost see her
the last escape made by raft, off the uninhabited island By emergency inflatable raft; one by branch and twig "tie-together" construction raft. Both including this beautiful woman atop me, making everything OK and as realistic as I have ever had a dream, actually pulling my wife at the time on top of me in sleep and doing what the other half of the party was also doing. [youtube]
Dumb as Dogshit

Thursday, March 26, 2020

11 signs

Once a royal or esoteric positioning by God of his children. Here is the 11 signs your life too can suck as bad as mine.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Just to See -- Experiment / Test

Ok this is to see if it does as she says it does, this is my first attempt to subliminally control a person of which I cannot say, any how.... Who, What, Why oh how I thought she would be mine :) and say hello to my friend Julian and friend


Sorry for the delay fans, I was required to put things on hold, whilst doing time on a bullshit matter that they should be so very ashamed of themselves.

Lucifer: "The Debauchery Diaries"

Good Morning Loyal Elect, with all the talk of a plagiaristic version of the original not far off in the future, I wanted to share a little titillation or excerpt from chapter 21 of the original... Please follow the link above for this truly hair raising, bust a gut reading experience...  ENJOY