Saturday, September 14, 2019

Friday, July 13, 2018

The Root & Rod

Anybody know what I'm talking about when I say " The Strength of the Root, and by which 'the Rod'?" There is nothing stronger than the 'root' of all things... Nothing! Its the very beginning, not the foundation, not the 'footings', nor the ground its built upon. Its not the many layers of soil, or even the core. The root, is much much more, but not anything you can touch, or smell, but a familiar feeling to some, and somehow escapes others. What is it within us... A gift given recaptured freely to all of us, that when abused and discounted is . Meaning if spent frivolously and without merit, creating nothingness, leading to unhappy, emotionless, non-producing branches of the whole... Stagnant, and blemished... Draining on 'Everything', impartial to the growth, ongoing creation, or miracles to be witnessed and bestowed upon the? Placing this gift to you in jeopardy as you tax the root, over compensating for this draw on resources. Now requiring repayment!  THE ROD: the part of the root used to penetrate the branch, the fruit, adding strength, and the means by which the root enforces this strengthening, and recompense. That 'being' that feeling, thought, imagination, and extended sensational vibration of the root of everything, the product by which it is... What made it... Nothing is made or created by indifference...  And only with 'it' is 'it' created, and only by 'that' is 'it' everlasting?  Who and what is 'it & that'? Current day names and terms please...   If stumped... Please go see [ R E D A C T E D ] And Sophia Dorrent ( Sophia ) @ Trails Mens Club withouth hair...  they know the answers, but don't seem to have these...  -- Lucifer

Oops this did not publish yesterday afternoon — Thanks My Dad 4 Everything!! — Lucifer, the bright MorningStar ...  I luva luva you- be there soon