Wednesday, March 4, 2020

FUCKED -- Not in a good way!

I've asked myself this question more times over the past nearly 9 months
or so, having found no acceptable answer, so I ask you this question question:  Is it possible for a group of people, related, unrelated friends or whatever the connection is, to have their hands in the Officer's, Attorney's, Judge's, damn near the entire "justice team's" pockets or on their pulse; finding favor with them, not only on how things are "to be" perceived but on “course of action” as well?  A relationship or co-mingling of some sort, enabling them to obtain certain outcomes on cases, to tip the proverbial scales of justice in any which direction regardless of facts, evidence, and efforts in light of witness' statements, corroborating facts and events, supporting the defense against their defaming and salacious accusations?  How is it possible to be treated like a piece of shit felon, or worse, based on the backstabbing, and vengeful lies of another.  IT BLOWS MY MIND!
Included below is a copy my appeal against the sentencing; did I just get Fucked by this team?
 From  Jail where I was hard timed for everything right down to the suspending  of my commissary account on the internet; showing I owed $$ against an internet order.

To writing me up for every little infraction, at fault or not, which put me in MAXIMUM SECURITY within 60 days of being a resident. 

NOW to not even get credit for Then to not be given credit for the time served.
That's exactly right... Judge Brereton would not give credit for the first 86 days I spent at SLCADC.
Can you believe that shit?

On October 11,  2019
just a couple of weeks after receiving the notice of ruling and denial of my own written motion for Judge Blanch recusal. Click the link to read more on that!
Taken into custody and accused of being a "Public Safety Hazard" the bail reduction argument would not be heard for the 2nd "Stalking" charge with bail set at $25000!

A Civil matter I was served with on the Monday after this court date.   Isn't the civil and then escalation the right course of action?  ALL for what I posted on social media? Aren't I protected by my First Amendment Rights, I should be protected, right? 
                                 WRONG BUCCAROO! 
It appears we do not share in these same rights like other Americans. I even wrote the Governor requesting he, as leader of our great state step in, on behalf of our constitution. I was referred to Judicial Conduct Commission.

what was the connection that required recusal? & the change of heart and moral fortitude to do what's right?

Recusal is for the sole purpose of removing an officer of the court that cannot be impartial and judge fairly on the ACTUAL facts of the case. 

Last pre-trial conference, TRIAL to start on Oct 22.
Every appearance I stand belittled by complete incompetence, wrongfully addressing the judge regarding my criminal history and background. It did NOT belong to me, that the mere act of double and triple checking facts for their arguments and in the face of a constant barrage of backdoor inflammatory comments to the Judge, with complete disregard for truth and justice, we have "the prosecutor".  

This gal should be disbarred for her complete disregard for justice, and the law alike. Flagrantly ignoring Proper Court Rules, made law by the legislatures of our great country right down to our state.  This Gal did a party dance on them like they didn't mean a fuckin thing to her!  Her job on this day not her normal job unless she completely screws everyone she prosecutes out of a fair court preceding.  I can guarantee this in anyone else's courtrooms other than Blanch and Brereton, she would have been reprimanded and Recused with PREJUDICE!!!   And that is a fact Jack, one they are all going to get to answer for very soon, as stated that a case is already open. 
That's right people, I wrote and submitted the motions myself.  Went right around my worthless legal pretender, CLOWARD, which has the most uncanny resemblance to some people I will not name, and I had it posted here before.
Now check this shit out:  The first words out of his mouth when I met him were: "You have to prove your innocence."
 I couldn't make this shit up if I wanted to,   The next thing out of my mouth before I can catch it covered and riddled with more contempt than I thought possible of myself, "THE FUCK IT DOES! " and follow with a question of my own, I kept the comment regarding dumber than dog shit to myself, " Are you related to this person?"  " Do you have some connection to [redacted] because my friend, regardless of what rogue fucking state you live in, I am afforded the presumption of innocence until proven guilty,  ahhh but not in these two court rooms, just like my 1st Amendment rights, being non-existent in their sovereign courtrooms. In all fairness it was actually three courtrooms.

In the Civil action taken, [redacted] was caught in a couple of blatant lies that were pretty significant, however I guess when you only swear to tell the truth to someone Daddy knows, with "yeah", your free to perjure freely.

Did I mention, from Jail I requested the hearing, which I thought was just going to be a little pow wow betwixt me and the Honorable, but it as it was and is GO TIME,  I had to forgo calling witnesses, except 1, my wife came to court that day,  completely unprepared for actual litigation of a trial setting, that I had never done before. I have represented myself on a couple of minor matters in the past but, even the best trial litigators practice their line of questioning, and their "performance" its called preparation. I did not get to do that but I did have my law notes with me, and was able to argue what I felt were crucial points of law regarding the matter.  Outcome not as good as I had wanted, but better than they wanted.

Permanent injunction " DENIED!"
 however the Temp was sustained.  As if I give a shit anyway, cuz I didn't follow and stalk around [redacted] before, I sure as fuck wasn't doing it now for any reason.  

I wrote 3 different justices requesting a protective order against [redacted]
 for my family, because they had started getting harrassed by persons connected if you will.  So now another 110 days later finally again at the final pre-trial conference and my attorney tells me she hasn't done shit in obtaining my evidence to the contrary, and that most likely they would not pursue the majority of evidence, such as security footage from ATMs, traffic cameras, or even speak with the acquaintances I had that were [   REDACTED   ] !!!  So I took a deal of attempted, and of emotional distress, and WTF WTF WTF, all be that what counsel said,  actually lets just stop there.  Almost nothing of my plea bargain was adhered to.   I made a deal based on certain sentencing and post sentencing events and circumstances are to be met.  Nothing was what was "bargained". Although at times, and only when it isn't going the way of the prosecution is there something said in court about such bargains.  PLEASE, PLEASE find a Legal Dictionary, like Blacks, or the ones on the legal kiosk in SLCADC, and it is a recognized, standardized, legitimate form of getting convictions with a set, minimalized sentencing, the whole fucking point behind them... All I can say is NOT IN MY CASE!!  

The sentencing handed down did not match the recommendations,  which was the whole point of 45 day Pre-sentence report, that actually came down to closer to 60 days, and I guarantee was the harshest CONSECUTIVE sentence Judge Brereton has handed down for some time @ 1 full year for what I posted on Facebook, and 6 months for breaking a car window on a completely unrelated to the other, and forced into globalization on their behalf -- not mine. 

Did I just get Fucked by this large collection of persons, is their no relief for the travesty? Is there no-one to right the wrongs, that because of the manipulating slippery ways will be attached to me like a plague.  Please tell me there is someone out there that will give me the information I need in a concrete undeniable manner....  How are these folks connected and by what means are they pulling rabbits out of their asses on something, that in the past, when asked would have taken the comments down.  Help me, possibly help you later by having them face their own bullshit and not allowing any more people to get a shotgun railroading of vengeance.

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